martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Burger Fest!!!*

Our plan for the Burger Fest is to make the most delicious and original burgers.
Also we are planning to decorate our stand for a better presentation, the decoration is very important because is the first view of our stand.
Our plan for the burgers is:
Make a original burger with "Discada". The discada is a typical dish from Mexico, it contains pork meet, bacon, onions, green pepper and sausages.
Our plan is to put the discada in to the burger, it sounds weird but the taste is awesome.
Also we make our "Golden chips". This are chips with yellow cheese and discada.
We hope that you'll come to the Burger Fest, and support us!!

Itzel Gil
Fer Echavarría
Silvia García
Daniela Ramos

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Blogs from Anthony Bourdan

I read a post in Anthony's Bourdan blog called MEYER LANSKY and WONDER WHEEL (of HORROR)", there he tell us about a trip to South Beach with his wife, they went there for the South Beach wine and food festival, there they wanted to have a second set of matching tatoos. There he presented her own festival “Wonder Wheel of Death”.

I also read the post called NEW BOSS, SAME AS THE OLD BOSS, he tell us about detestation of Nicaragua’s Maximum Leader, he thinks that the people there deserve so much better. He thinks that Nicaragua is a spectacularly beautiful country, with great food and the people there is generous, sophisticated and funny in every level of society. He tell us about a show called "The NicaraguaShow" he thinks that with that show the people will like to visit this nation.

In the third post I read he talk about a Island in the Amazon River Delta, there's no telephone reception, and making a tv show there was very hard, the crew had high temperature, sweats, and chills. Just for being there, the post is called; HERE COME THE WARM JETS

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

@Downtown :)

I went with two of my friends to downtown, and we visited two museums of the city. First we went to the Mask museum, but it was closed!! We went to the museums in Sunday, because we thought that in sundays it will be opened to all the public, and it will be for free! But no!!! It was closed!! But I went to the Mask museum like 1 year ago... and I remember how it looks, I liked because you can see a lot of different masks. Also you can see the history and the names of the authors of the masks.
Later, we went to the MAC Museum, it was closed, but I went to this museum in the same day I visited the Mask museum, so I remember that there you can see a lot of different paints, some of that paints are very weird, other are good but you have to pay much attention to the paints to get the point of the paint.
I liked those museums because, they show different types of attractions for the people who dont live in San Luis, because in some of this arts are representing our culture :)

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

This is me!! :)

My name is Itzel Gil, I'm 17 years old, I'm from México and my hobbies are: hang out with friends, spend time with my sister, family and friends, take photos and edit them, my english class, listen to music, play videogames, etcetera...

In the future I would like to travel around the world, meet more touristical places and meet important people in the tourism industry.